Program Info
Seasons and Division Structure
Upper Loudoun Little League provides three different season options for interested players:
- Spring Season -- from March through June (end of school)
- Summer Season (All-Stars and Invitational Teams) -- from June through July (team / age dependent)
- Fall Developmental Season -- from August through November (first week)
Information on each of these seasons can be found based on the links above.

Spring Season (March to mid-June)
T-Ball – Baseball Ages 5-6
Coach Pitch Minors - Typically Baseball Ages 6-7
Rookie Minors – Baseball Ages 8-9
AA Minors – Typically Baseball Ages 9-11
AAA Minors – Typically Baseball Ages 10-12
Majors (a.k.a. Little League) – Open to Baseball Ages 9-12
Game Days: Monday through Saturday
At the T-Ball and Minors levels, ULLL attempts to form teams by keeping players within their home area (Hamilton / Purcellville North, Lovettsville, Purcellville South, or Round Hill).
At the Majors level, teams are formed with players in their home league (National—Hamilton / Purcellville North, Lovettsville; or American — Purcellville South, Round Hill) but not necessarily in their home area. As a result, at the Majors level, players may not practice or play home games in their home area.
Fall Developmental Season (August to early Nov)
T-Ball – Baseball Ages 5-6
Coach Pitch Minors - Typically Baseball Ages 6-7
Rookie Minors – Baseball Ages 8-9
Fall Minors – Typically Baseball Ages 9-11
Fall Majors – Typically Baseball Ages 11-12
Game Days: Monday through Saturday
The ULLL’s Fall Season is designed to develop players for participation in the following spring season and teams are organized for the fall developmental season based on baseball ages for the following spring. Levels of play offered during the fall in ULLL are based on enrollment.
Note: Because registration numbers for the fall instructional season are much lower than the spring, teams are formed from both American League (Round Hill, Purcellville South) and National League (Hamilton / Purcellville North, Lovettsville) players.
As a result, teams are NOT assigned to specific leagues or areas, and players may be practicing and/or playing home games on a team based in an area different from the area they live.
This being stated, due to distances, the ULLL makes every effort to prevent Middleburg and Lovettsville players from being assigned to teams in the opposite areas.